Be a tree!  A unique and challenging experience where you have to grow, survive and evolve to adapt to environmental conditions and disseminate all over the planet.

A calm and peaceful experience in a challenging and ruthless environment.

[This game is in active development. Any help and feedback is welcome.]


Qs87Hd.png (250×162)Grow your roots to find water. Roots are more expensive to divide.

Grow your branches to get more energy. Branches are more expensive to extend

To expand you need sap, taken from the reserve. The circular indicator appearing when you extend something shows you how much it will take from the sap reserve.

 Sap reserve

The arrow (red or green) on the sap reserve shows how much sap you earn or lose according to production/consumption balance.

The more you have roots the more you can stock in the reserve.


Production (combination of blue and yellow bars):
 water + energy = sap (photosynthesis)

Consumption (brown bar):
upkeep cost.  Divided in several segments representing consumption of roots, leaves, flowers and fruits.
Some parts need more sap than others.
Balance (red/green):
red when consume more than produce, you lose sap. green for the inverse.
Sap reserve is updated according to balance.

The white graduations indicate sap units, you must have energy and water bars above one graduation to produce one new unit of sap.


Keep an eye on the weather, learn how the climate evolves and use seasonnalities at your advantage. 

Luminosity: impacts the amount of energy received by the leaves.

Humidity: impacts the amount of water on the surface


Start the bloom process by pushing the flower button. From the bud to the mature fruit you'll need lot of sap in stock.


  • In wet region, develop a network of roots near the surface.
  • There are random water tables, far in the ground.
  • You can remove the extremity of a branch or a root by clicking on it.


  • Use seeds to evolve, customize and adapt to extreme conditions
  • Manage nutrients
  • Defend yourself against parasites
  • And so much more!


You like the concept? You want more features and cool stuff? Me to!

Consider support me by giving 1 or 2 dollars.

You can also just share the game, it helps.

Warm thanks!

StatusIn development
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(78 total ratings)
GenreSimulation, Strategy
Tags4X, climat, Exploration, grow, Management, optimize, seed, survive, tree

Development log